
Join us for a Virtual Mega Event + Innovation.IL Job Fair on Sunday, May 15 at 12:00 PM (EST) for a full day of sessions of Aliyah planning and preparations.

Virtual Aliyah Mega Event

12-6 PM (EST)

We will cover a wide range of topics including financial planning and budgeting, choosing a community, job searches, navigating the healthcare system, buying or renting a home, documents for Aliyah, rights and benefits for Olim, and much more!


Innovation.IL Job Fair

12-2:30 PM (EST) 

The Innovation.IL Job Fair is a chance to meet leaders in the Israeli hi-tech industry about the incredible job opportunities available in many different fields. Hear directly from the companies about their workplace culture and professional opportunities. Meet with representatives from some of Israel’s top career training programs that are available for digital marketing, content marketing, and sales. Whether you have an existing career in hi-tech or are interested in breaking into the exciting world of Israeli hi-Tech, the Innovation.IL Job Fair is for you!

  • All Tracks
  • Opening Remarks
  • Aliyah Sessions
  • Meeting Rooms
3:30 PM - 11:30 PM UTC
Opening Remarks
    4:00 PM - 5:00 PM UTC
    Olim's Easiest Way to a Hi-Tech Career

    Join this session with the NBN Employment Team for tips on managing your job search in Israel. We will focus on exploring fields in Israel, closing gaps in your skillset, understanding salary ranges,...

    • Rachel Berger
    4:00 PM - 5:00 PM UTC
    Your Flight and Your First Few Days in Israel

    Recommended for Summer 2022 Olim.


    As you make your final preparations for your upcoming Aliyah this session will help prepare you for your last days prior to your move, the actual flight, and your...

    • Yitz Wiener NBN
    • Yitzhak Schefres
    • Eli Harris - NBN
    • Tzippy Oppenheimer
    4:00 PM - 5:00 PM UTC
    First Steps to Aliyah

    Recommended for Olim with a long-term Aliyah plan. 

    Have you begun thinking about Aliyah and don't know where to start? This session is for you! We will give you a basic overview of the Aliyah process...

    • b mackler
    • Ari Weiss
    • Devon Conway - NBN
    • Chaya Engel
    • Zoe Sagir
    4:30 PM - 7:00 PM UTC
    Olim's Easiest Way to a Hi-Tech Career Meeting Room w/Rachel Berger
      4:30 PM - 11:00 PM UTC
      First Steps to Aliyah Meeting Room w/Ari Weiss
        4:30 PM - 11:00 PM UTC
        Your 1st two weeks in Israel -Summer 2022 Olim Meeting Room w/Yitz Wiener
          4:30 PM - 11:00 PM UTC
          Your 1st two weeks in Israel -Summer 2022 Olim Meeting Room w/Adina Bennett
            5:00 PM - 6:00 PM UTC
            Aliyah Rights and Benefits

            Recommended for Olim with a long-term Aliyah plan. 

            Upon making Aliyah each Oleh is entitled to rights and benefits to help them acclimate to life in Israel. Learn about these benefits to assist you...

            • Aliza Grabin
            • Natah Katz
            • Tzippy Oppenheimer
            5:00 PM - 6:00 PM UTC
            Sorry For Asking: The Israeli Tech Scene
            • Rachel Berger
            5:00 PM - 6:00 PM UTC
            Saying Goodbye – Staying in touch with family

            Recommended for Summer 2022 Olim.  

            One of the biggest challenges of Aliyah is saying goodbye to loved ones and working to stay in touch once you have arrived in Israel. NBN Post-Aliyah Advisors will...

            • Ari Weiss
            • Miriam Naiman -NBN
            5:00 PM - 6:00 PM UTC
            Canadian Taxes and Aliyah

            This session will cover everything the average Canadian Oleh or Olah needs to know to prepare for their Aliyah as it pertains to their Canadian tax obligations.

            • Jonathan Bell
            5:00 PM - 7:00 PM UTC
            All About Flights
              5:30 PM - 7:00 PM UTC
              Sorry for Asking; The Israeli Tech Scene Meeting Room w/Rachel Berger
                5:30 PM - 7:30 PM UTC
                Canadian Taxes and Aliyah Meeting Room w/Jonathan Bell
                  5:30 PM - 9:00 PM UTC
                  Aliyah Rights and Benefits Meeting Room w/Aliza Grabin
                    5:30 PM - 11:00 PM UTC
                    Saying Goodbye – Staying in touch with family Meeting Room w/Miriam Naiman
                      5:30 PM - 11:00 PM UTC
                      Saying Goodbye – Staying in touch with family Meeting Room w/Ari Weiss
                        6:00 PM - 7:00 PM UTC
                        Aliyah as a Retiree

                        Aliyah can be challenging for people of any age, but sometimes retirees and empty nesters have some specific needs that require special attention. This session will address topics such as social security,...

                        • Miriam Naiman -NBN
                        • Sarah Nehrer - NBN
                        • Steve Rosenthal
                        6:00 PM - 7:00 PM UTC
                        Your US Taxes and Aliyah

                        US citizens are obligated to file taxes regardless of their country of residence. This session will cover the implications of making Aliyah on your US taxes. Will my social security be taxed? How do I...

                        • Ely Cole
                        • Yosefa R. Huber, CPA
                        6:00 PM - 7:00 PM UTC

                        In this session, we hope to help you understand the shipping process. This will help your family remove some of the stress associated with moving your belongings to Israel. We will discuss the Aliyah...

                        • Shlomo Sokal-NBN
                        • Natah Katz
                        6:30 PM - 11:00 PM UTC
                        U.S. Tax and Aliyah Meeting Room w/Ely Cole
                          6:30 PM - 11:00 PM UTC
                          U.S. Tax and Aliyah Meeting Room w/Yosefa Huber
                            6:30 PM - 11:00 PM UTC
                            Aliyah as a Retiree- finding your community.. Meeting Room w/Miriam Naiman
                              6:30 PM - 11:00 PM UTC
                              The Ins and Outs of Aliyah Shipping Meeting Room w/Shlomo Sokal
                                6:30 PM - 11:00 PM UTC
                                The Ins and Outs of Aliyah Shipping Meeting Room w/Natah Katz
                                  7:00 PM - 8:00 PM UTC
                                  Remote Working and Commuting

                                  Many people bring their jobs with them when they make Aliyah, either commuting to North America or working fully remotely. In order for this transition to go smoothly, it is important to plan ahead to...

                                  • Yosefa R. Huber, CPA
                                  • Baruch Swinkin
                                  7:00 PM - 8:00 PM UTC
                                  Buying Your Home in Israel

                                  Everything you need to know about buying your home in Israel. How to begin your search, contracts, mortgages, buying on paper, and more! Learn about how to secure payments, costs to consider, tax benefits...

                                  • Jane Olman
                                  • Yair Givati
                                  7:00 PM - 8:00 PM UTC
                                  Introducing the Israeli Healthcare System

                                  Learn about the world-class Israeli healthcare system including Kupot Cholim, how to choose your Kupa, how to find the right doctor, your medications, and supplemental coverage. 

                                  • Tanya Cardash
                                  • Miriam Naiman -NBN
                                  • Sarah Nehrer - NBN
                                  7:00 PM - 8:00 PM UTC
                                  Finding a Community in Israel
                                  • Eli Bialik
                                  • Moshe Heilman-NBN
                                  7:30 PM - 10:00 PM UTC
                                  Intro to Renting a Home in Israel Meeting Room w/Yair Givati
                                    7:30 PM - 11:00 PM UTC
                                    Navigating the Israeli Healthcare System Meeting Room w/Tanya Cardash
                                      7:30 PM - 11:00 PM UTC
                                      Remote Working and Commuting after Aliyah Meeting Room w/Baruch and Yosefa
                                        8:00 PM - 9:00 PM UTC
                                        Renting a Home in Israel

                                        This session will cover all of the questions you have about renting in Israel. How to find a rental, what to look for in a rental contract, what is included in typical rental contracts in Israel, and...

                                        • Jane Olman
                                        • Yair Givati
                                        8:00 PM - 9:00 PM UTC
                                        Schools in Israel

                                        Recommended for Summer 2022 Olim.  

                                        Israel’s education system caters to various educational and religious philosophies and works with Oleh students to integrate them into the mainstream of the...

                                        • Eli Bialik
                                        • Elisha Bruck
                                        • Naftali Derovan - NBN
                                        8:30 PM - 11:00 PM UTC
                                        How school works in Israel 2022 Olim Meeting Room w/Eli Bialik
                                          8:30 PM - 11:00 PM UTC
                                          How school works in Israel 2022 Olim Meeting Room w/Adina Bennett
                                            12:00 AM - 2:00 AM UTC
                                            Haifa for Olim
                                              2:00 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
                                              Finding a Community Meeting Room Q&A w/Eli Bialik
                                                3:30 AM - 4:30 AM UTC
                                                Real Estate Q&A Meeting Room w/Yair Givati and Jane Olman
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